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We can help you with

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Clinical support

Attend appointments with you and your specialists via video call or in person and interpret clinical information

Review your fertility history and give clinical feedback on treatment cycles

Help you to decide when is the right time to seek treatment

Assist you with complex choices, such as IUI or IVF, genetic testing, fertility preservation, using donated eggs or sperm, egg sharing, donating your own gametes or embryos or surrogacy

Ensure you don’t pay for treatments or tests (add ons) that are not in your best interests

Plan your long-term fertility options, if you’re not ready to conceive right now

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Practical support

Help you to decide which clinic is best for your needs (dependent on your location and specific treatment requirements)

Help you to identify where you may be eligible for NHS/public tests or treatment to save you money

Give you practical and knowledgeable advice to coordinate your next steps

Help you to make decisions regarding your cryopreserved eggs, sperm or embryos, including coordinating their transfer to other clinics

Coordinate and book your appointments, ask “difficult” questions and advocate for you. Prevent you from getting “lost in the system”

Help with selecting a reputable clinic abroad and the logistics involved

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Emotional support

Provide expert and compassionate support, and a shoulder to lean on, to you and your partner or family

Support you if you make the decision to stop treatment

Be your support partner if you are currently single

Give advice and support on how to communicate with friends, family and employers about your fertility situation

Help you to manage fertility decisions if you have recently split up from your partner, or have a new partner

Be available during critical moments or unexpected challenges.

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We support you through the emotional rollercoaster of infertility, aiding you to make the decisions most likely to lead to the best outcome, in less time.

We also aim to save you money on your journey where ever possible. We have a deep empathy for those on their fertility journey and an ability to give expert, evidence-based advice, endorsed by years working at the forefront of IVF.

We do not accept clinic referral fees, but have arranged substantial discounts at many of the world's best clinics for our clients. 

Browse our IVF Guides here

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Ask a free question or request a free introductory meeting to learn more about how we can support you

Julia Paget BSc, DipClinEmbryol, DipRCPath 

Victoria Ryder, BSc, MMedSci

We work independently from any clinic and do not receive any referral fees.* Most clinics we recommend will provide a discount for our clients.

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